Business Card Research / Logo Design Research

I want my business card to reflect my business but also my resume and website. But before i started designing I wanted to research elements of a good business card, why its important to have a good business card, and some examples of some interesting ones I found that others have made.

Creating a Great Business Card


What Makes a Good Business Card?


Business Cards that Work for You: Tips and Best Practices



After reading these sites, that I found quite helpful, I think the elements of a good business card is for the design elements to have a purpose. I don’t want things just thrown on the page because I can I want it to represent me as a designer. But I also want my business card to reflect that I am a designer and to have elements that showcase my skill. Just because something is designed doesn’t mean it has to be over designed or have to many things on the page, I want it to be simple, elegant, but have a certain amount of pizazz. I would also like to create a logo for myself that I can put on all my official documents, but I haven’t done much logo design so I plan to research it quite a bit before hand. I want it to have elements of my name but also what my design represents or at least the feeling my design gives off, which to me is kinda all over the place right now.

Here are some examples I found.

51 Creative Business Cards That Will Make You Look Twice


I would also put a Qr code on my business card so someone could scan the card and it would go straight to my website. I think it is interesting, fast, and innovative.

Here is a site I found that generates Qr codes for websites once I get mine up and running it will be a piece of cake to add it to my business card

Kaywa QR Codes

Example QR Code

100 (Really) Creative Business Cards






Here are some of the ones I really liked or ones that I thought were cleaver to what their business.


Logo Design

What makes a good logo design?

How to Create a Logo


LogoBee’s Top 10 Logo Design Tips:


I would like my logo to have my initials in it as well as some sort of element that makes you see that I am a designer, nothing to obvious just a little something to grab interest.

Examples I liked:

30 Examples of Brilliant Logo Design

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I thought these were very afective logos that get the point across very well.

Sketchbook Progress


Here are all my supplies that I’ve gathered.

My sketchbook is coming along nicely. At this point I have all the pieces I just need to make a decision of what I want to cover the book with. I have quite a few options that I think would look nice but its hard to for me to decide because I like them all. I would also like the outside to reflect what is on the inside and at this point I’m leaning against doing a nature study or an animal study where I transplant to images to make a new image.

Option 1: Paper


I have a whole book full of these beautiful papers that that have flowers with a vintage feeling that I think would be nice if I did a nature study on plants or just flowers. I like this theme because it would would make some beautiful illustrations.

Option 2: Fabric


I found these two fabrics at the store the other day and I thought they were very textural and a nice color that would add a new element to my book. They are very earthy and i think would look very nice on the cover. I also found a site that allows you to make your own custom iorn on patches and I thought that would be an interesting element if I decided the book need an element on the cover.


Option 3: Paper bag


I still like the idea of using a paper bag, I know we  discussed it being a consumer used product when my book is all hand made but I think that the texture as well as the idea that it is the more environmentally friendly option for consumers. I also really like the color and how it goes with the color of my papers.

Option 4: Vintage t-shirts


I have some old vintage t-shirts that if cropped in the right way I think would make a bad-ass cover for my book. Especially this Chicago t-shirt I found, I like that it is dirty and stains but the imagery is very stylized much like my own personal style. and the city scape would look really awesome.

Resume Revison

Alright the first Resume I did was before I did my website. I wanted it to have some interest without being over the top.I thought the black and white with the angle made it visually more interesting.

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The second version I did after I started my website and thought it would be nice if they all looked the same.

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Website Progress

Ive been working on a personal portfolio website since the beginning of the semester. I would like my website, resume, and business card to all have a similar vintage feeling without being over the top, here are some pictures of what I have so far.

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Here is my home page it will give you my name at the top, the navigation bar, a scroll through of a few pieces at the top, and then a variety of the different work I can do. Haven’t quite worked out all the kinks but I think it is a nice opening page that showcases some of my work.

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The second page is my About page, I’m thinking of adding a header that says Bio at the top but I’m not sure if it will look good or out of place. I like the picture I have chosen but if not appropriate I can take one that looks slightly more professional. I have not yet written my bio but I would like my final artist statement to be part of my Bio.

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The third page is all about my work, before the work begins it breaks down each image into different catagories, I haven’t quite got all the kinks worked out but I think it will we interesting. Also when you click on the smaller images it takes you to another page that more in depth explains the images at the beginning that are shuffling through.

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Here is what this page looks like.

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The last page is my contact page where I have my email, blog, twitter, and Facebook linked so I am easily accessible.

Artist Statement: Project 1 Revison


The relation between organism and machine has been a boundary war. We are constantly pushing the limits between Homo sapiens and cyborg. This piece reflects on the ideals of how humans have been crossing the line with technology and the thought that one day we will become one entity. I used a mix of metal mechanical pieces that I tore out of old electronics and old car parts to showcase the human body in transformation. If we aren’t careful we could end up losing the essence of what makes us human. While sketching out my ideas I began to see ways that this transformation has already begun especially in how we think, move, and calculate our next steps as a human race putting so much emphasis on technology, but if we hold onto our imagination and creativity we can hold onto what separates man from machine.

Revision 1:

The relationship between organism and machine is forever changing. With each new invention or technological breakthrough we are pushing the limits between Homo sapiens and cyborg. While sketching out my ideas I began to see ways that this transformation has already begun especially in how we think, move, and calculate our next steps as a human race putting so much emphasis on technology. I used a mix of metal mechanical pieces that I tore out of old electronics and old car parts to showcase the human body in transformation. Technology helps us more in one day then we can even realize, but it also in many ways stifles our ability to be resourceful or make decisions without it. However, if we hold onto our imagination and creativity we can hold onto what separates man from machine: empathy, free thought, and love.

Revision 2:

Technology is changing the way we as humans think, make decisions, and treat one another. With each technological breakthrough we are putting ourselves one step closer to being fully dependent on technology and giving up our ability to make our own decisions.  While sketching out my ideas for this project I began to see how this transformation has already taken place especially in how we treat our cell phones, computers, and televisions.  For example, some are more concerned with leaving their cell phones at the mall then their children. I used a mix of metal mechanical pieces that I tore out of old electronics and old car parts to showcase the human body in transformation. I agree that technology aids us in many ways and is helpful, but at what point does it stop being helpful but rather something we can’t function without. I think this is where we are heading and by holding on to our imagination, creativity, and ability for free thought we can slow down the process and enjoy what makes us human.

Food Truck Research

I thought to be a informed designer I must also learn about the culture and the history in design over the years of Ireland. I found some websites with some facts that I thought would be helpful

Traditions & Customs in Ireland


Irish/Celtic Seasonal Celebrations

I thought it would be good to research some seasonal celebrations because food is usually a big part of holidays and the culture

I have also been researching Irish design elements as well

celtic-irish-designs 11eaebc43bbb1a7d07923f317198580b depositphotos_4762831-Irish-Celtic-design images irishWhiskeyDesignWeb IrishFestivalPosters images-1

Irish Design Shop

Food Truck Progress

For the food truck the first thing I wanted to do was come up with a theme and what I decided was on an Irish food which would be showcased in the design, name, and food of the truck.

I have been researching different food items that are traditionally Irish, but I would like to come up with a fusion for food on the go. Since food trucks are a fast paced business getting the food out quickly is important to me.

Here are a few sites I found helpful when researching different Irish/food truck food.

Fiddler’s Hearth

Recipes for Irish food 

Different examples of Irish Food Trucks

Things I was thinking

A soup– easy on the go and very Irish- even more of a stew

A Cabbage Wrap– instead of a lettuce wrap make it Irish but a healthy option

Salmon– either in a dip or maybe a sandwich

This is just the beginning but I want it to be very simple and easy.

I want no more then 10-12 things on the menu because with such a tight place for working I want everything to make sense and be easy. For next week I plan on having detailed sketches as well as color choices and a name for the truck itself.

Sketchbook Progress

For my sketchbook I have decided on the size and papers I am going to use. I like the color scheme and I think it will go well with my animal theme.


I have also finished my first attempt at book making. I think this was an important step because it allowed me to work out the kinks and get familiar with the materials.


Although the book was simple it taught me the technique of sewing signatures which will be very important in my final project with my home made papers.

I have also worked on my Secret Belgian Binding stitch. I am not planning on making this into a book I just wanted to practice the stitch before I did it for my final.

IMG_9570 IMG_9571Here is how it turned out. I used hemp string and I think it gives it a very nice look. The stitch itself is easy and looks nice so I think it will be a nice addition to my final sketchbook.

I have also been doing some thinking about what I would like to go into the final product as far as illustrations. I was thinking of doing animals with a heavy influence on creativity and imagination. I have  also discussed with my professor for this course to do a hybrid animal sort of thing to where I would do a smash up of two animals in one which I think could be pretty interesting.

This Website had a lot of really good examples.
