Mechanical Poster Progress

For my mechanical posters I have sketched out an idea of what I would like the posters to look like, I have also begun scavenging for materials to use as well. I went to good will and bought a old answering machine, a radio, a VCR, and a small television. I began ripping them apart as well as going to Menards to look for more specific pieces, as well as rummaging thorough my dads garage. I have collected quite a bit of material and plan to begin putting the posters together over the next week/weekend.







And here are the sketches I did


face sketch

hand sketch

Sketchbook Progress

So far for my sketchbook progress I have been experimenting with different techniques for making homemade paper.

Somethings I tried were creating multi-colored papers by blending different colored construction paper, appliqueing different things to the paper once it was formed, adding things such as tooth picks and newspaper to give the paper more of a texture, and experimenting with different thicknesses.

Here are some images of my process:




IMG_9258Here are my results.

I also did some research on Chinese calligraphy and how this art for has so much meaning. Its not always about the end result but about the process it takes to get there. Each character and image is done with such grace and intention every mark leaving more then just a mark on the paper. They let the paper and the poems speak to them. I found a site that explained this process in a way I understood it.

 Chinese Ink on Paper

I think this project is coming along nicely, I plan to make more paper and I have already researched in my Book binding book some possible bindings that I think might work. I plan for the book to be smaller maybe 5 x 8 since the sheets I am making are 8.5 x 11 I will need to cut the edges off to make the paper more stable.

Blurring the Lines

For my second project I have decided to do a series of mechanical posters that focus on the blurring line between humans and machines.


My initial inspiration came from Kim Yong Soo’s series called Colossal where he mixes the ideas of traditional Japanese paintings with computer parts.

His ability to make the parts come alive in an interesting way really intrigued me and also somewhat goes with the idea of how we are becoming a part of technology (especially the computer). We become so depended on this machine that it becomes a part of us.



Another inspiration I found was a series of anatomy illustrations done by Jody Pham. She focuses on mainly the skull, brain, and the air passages. Her illustrations have a very soft and unique style. These help me visualize the human body and the different sections.

Jody Pham


Steampunk has also been a form of inspiration to me. I like the idea of a sub-genre that typically features steam-powered machinery. I like the look of the more sepia toned metal and rivets and things looking older and used. The human body is overused in so many ways and I think that it is a good fit for the look of my project estetically.


I also thought it was a good idea to look at how our bodies work like machines already rather then how machines are taking us over. I found this site with amazing facts about the human body and it puts a lot of things in perspective. Our heart beats over 40,000,000 times in only one year for the entirety of our lives. I doubt there is a machine out there that can do something so continuously without breaking down.

Amazing Facts about the Body

A word that I have been using lightly is cyborg. How we are becoming cyborgs. There is a workshop description I found that pretty much sums up what I am trying to explain through this blog. Although short it is a good description of how we are becoming cyborgs.

Man and Machine: The Relationship between Humans and Technology in Philosophy and the Arts

For this project I want to explore the idea of humans becoming machines. I will do this through a series of posters where I will transform parts of the human anatomy into machines.

Project #1 Research

making-handmade-booksSketchbook notes

After doing more research I think the sketchbook idea may have been too ambitious…

With the idea of not only making homemade papers but then binding and filling the entirety of the book I think it will take to much time.

Sooo….. Instead of that Ive decided to start the semester off with a different kind of project, more of a 3D mechanical poster mostly inspired my Steampunk and some other projects I found online.

mechanical poster notes #1 collage


soo-2-600x606 soo-2-1

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mechanical-earmechanical_hand_pare_ambroiseMechanical_Hand_by_crazy0000  mechanical-hand-tattoo-martin-girolami

high-bionic Screen Shot 2013-01-22 at 7.57.12 AM

For me the idea seems really interesting and I like the idea of mixing mechanical with elegance

Supplies: Poster board, background, parts, adhesive, original drawings.

First Project Brainstorming

Final project 1 brainstorming handmade_paper DSCF8452

My idea for my first project is to create a sketchbook

In this project I would create: Homemade papers,  binding, and a cover.

I also had several other ideas if any of them would be better…

Tel-T 434


Shifting Gears…